6 February 2012


I was delighted with the level of interest generated by my last post on incident response so I thought I’d continue on the same theme... My thanks go yet again to the NIST report previously mentioned as I will explore some aspects of risk management and prioritisation that apply to incident response...
As mentioned in my earlier post, I know of very few organisations that exhibit effective incident response plans. Arguably, this may be due to the fact that there could be millions of possible signs of incidents each day, recorded mainly by logging and computer security software. We all know that automation will be needed for data analysis and selection of events that should be of interest for human review. But before we reach that stage, how do we go about deciding what the rules are? What is it that we should be interested in?... Invariably, the lack of thorough planning will lead to the failure of incident response, including the following:
  • The monitoring technology (whatever that may be) has been configured in such a way that too much information is gathered and no one can see the wood from the trees... Generally, this happens when incident response is entirely left to IT departments and can lead to very expensive deployments that give very little business value and end up giving information security a bad name... (sorry my IT friends...)
  • The incident escalation process lacks sufficient planning and accountabilities have not been adequately assigned at all levels in the chain.
  • Failure to identify all stakeholders in the value chain of incident response and individuals not held accountable for their part in the process, including lack of regular review of the information collected.
We could have any variation of the above, and for those who know me, you will have recognised the always reliable trinity of “people, process and technology”... In my opinion, the first critical step on the journey to effective incident response is establishing clear procedures for prioritising the handling of incidents.
So let’s examine how we go about doing that...
Whilst it is almost impossible to develop step-by-step instructions for handling every incident, the NIST report defines several incident categories, based on common methods of attack, including: external/removable media, brute force, web-based, email, improper use and loss or theft of equipment. One could start using these categories, but how do they actually relate to any specific organisation? After all, what is important for a retailer will be different for a bank or an airline...
Risk Assessment and Incident Response Go Hand in Hand...
What will make incident response specific and effective for any given business is directly derived from the results of the risk assessment (in PCI DSS terms, requirement 12.1.2). As part of their information security strategy, businesses will attempt to limit the number of incidents that could occur by selecting and implementing a set of controls based on the results of their risk assessment. As residual risk is inevitable, effective incident response becomes a crucial part of managing it. As the risk assessment identifies the assets critical to a business (and the applicable threats, vulnerabilities and controls), so should the incident response plan concentrate on critical assets first. So, the best time to start developing your incident response plan is whilst performing your risk assessment...
The NIST report goes on saying that effective incident response should embed continuous improvement best practice by ensuring that the information accumulated from all lessons learned from live incident handling is used to identify systemic security weaknesses in policies and procedures. I couldn’t agree more.
Finally, don’t forget the full report can be found at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsDrafts.html#SP-800-61-Rev.%202 and comments can be submitted to 800-61rev2-comments@nist.gov until 16th March 2012 with "Comments SP 800-61" in the subject line.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. NIST incident response enhances the scalability of the framework, allowing interaction with local, state and federal resources using common methods and terminology defined at the federal level.
