28 April 2014

I KNOW PSD 2 IS NOT SEXY... But in 2 minutes videos with cool jazz...

Have you ever wondered what the Payments Services Directive 2 (PSD 2) is all about?... Been put off by reading 102 pages of regulations (plus related reading)?... Have an inkling that information security is part of it?...
I originally published a 5 mins video and asked for feedback at my 1st publishing attempt on YouTube. My thanks go to all those payments & security professional that took the time to review it, this latest effort wouldn't have been possible without them. The result is two shorter videos of 2 mins each (with different cool jazz tracks...) that are much more streamlined...
As always, your views and comments are much appreciated!

22 April 2014

WHY DO DATA BREACHES HAPPEN? Clues from the Verizon DBIR 2014...

The always eagerly awaited Verizon DBIR 2014 was released earlier this year. As always, with a nice cup of coffee and some smooth jazz playing in the background, I will endeavour to distil the essence of this always excellent publication... Well, this year, the DBIR departs from just analysing data breaches to looking at 63,347 confirmed security incidents, of which 1,367 were confirmed data breaches (compared to 621 for 2012) across 95 countries (compared to 27 in 2012). This gives far greater richness to the data set and the insights that can be derived from it (rightly so, the DBIR team notes that incidents need not necessarily result on data loss to have a significant impact on an organisation – I couldn’t agree more!). Also don’t miss the month by month review of the major incidents of 2013 on pages 3 & 4, that’ll get you in the mood...